Posts Tagged With: roy h. williams
Becoming a Writer
You have a great book hiding within you. So are you going to coax it out? “I’d love to write a book, but I don’t know how.” Sure you do. You learned how in elementary school, remember? Words become sentences. Sentences become paragraphs. Paragraphs become chapters. Nothing to it, really. “But joining words into sentences &hellip Continue reading
Two Places at Once
A Monday Morning Memo from the Wizard to Help You Better Understand Yourself and Those you Love “Absent-minded professor” is a term often used to describe a person who isn’t very observant. Do you have a friend who sometimes loses track of what they’re doing? And even occasionally of where they are? Are you a &hellip Continue reading
Magic Words
A Monday Morning Memo from the Drafty North Tower of the Wizard’s Castle If you take pride in your rational, logical demeanor and consider yourself to be above emotional distractions, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you. Beneath that calm, outer shell you’re just as out-of-control as the rest of us. Like it &hellip Continue reading
Silent No Longer
Warning Today’s Memo is Highly Controversial and I Do Not Pretend to be Objective I can be silent no longer. I am prejudiced concerning Jews. But my prejudice is not against them. I am prejudiced in their favor. Tulsa, Oklahoma – 1978: 20 year-old me is in need of a car. I dream of a &hellip Continue reading
Executive Summary on the Middle East
Attributed to comedian Dennis Miller, but actually written by comedian LARRY Miller of L.A. A brief overview of the situation is always valuable, so as a service to all Americans who still don’t get it, I now offer you the story of the Middle East in just a few paragraphs, which is all you really &hellip Continue reading
Do You Have a Book in You?
One by one, ten men and Holly Buchanan had risen to tell us their names and a little about themselves. Now it was time for the distinguished, older gentleman in the back row to stand and do the same. “My name is Keith Miller and after listening to each of you tell a little about &hellip Continue reading
Is Happiness a Reasonable Goal?
One of my great joys is to monitor the online discussions between Wizard Academy graduates. From astrophysics to advertising to albino monkeys, you never know what question will be posed by one to be pondered by all. Recently, Lisa Davis stepped sideways from a discussion about Business Problem Topology to blurt out, “Is Happiness a &hellip Continue reading
Free. The Beagle.
Do you remember the birth of the beagle in June, 2001*?. In much the same way that Fraser began as Diane’s boyfriend in a single episode of Cheers and then went on to become a regular and then to have a show of his own, the happy little beagle has emerged from a single Monday &hellip Continue reading
The Exact Science of Creativity
It was during the Business Topology module of the Magical Worlds curriculum that John Quarto-vonTivadar raised his shy hand and quietly asked, “Have you ever studied TRIZ?” Seeing the blank look on my face, John knew instantly that he might as well have asked, “How much should a hamster weigh?” “No, John, I’ve never even &hellip Continue reading
Are You Making the Old Mistakes?
You need some new ideas because the old ones aren’t working. The time has come to reinvent your product and your company, maybe even yourself. But the only framework within which you can visualize a new system is the old system. Like a dog chasing its tail, you keep coming back to the same old &hellip Continue reading