Monday Morning Memo
Human Doings
A Monday Morning Memo from the Wizard of Ads When you meet a new friend who says, “Tell me about yourself,” do you often begin by telling them where you work or what you do for a living? Are you a human being? (Don’t be too quick to answer, because it’s entirely possible that you’ve &hellip Continue reading
How “Real” Is Your Company?
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads According to Sergio Zyman, marketing guru at Coca-Cola, most Americans under the age of 49 get out of bed every morning and ask “Why the hell should I buy your product?” “Americans today hunger for something genuine, for authenticity,” says Zyman, “and they will not tolerate &hellip Continue reading
How To Get Exceptional Service
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads Have you ever noticed how the smallest and most petty people are the quickest to demand their “rights?” Day after day, I see pompous and self important people make outrageous and high toned demands upon cashiers, ticket agents, and waitresses across America, in effect saying, “I &hellip Continue reading
How Long Will Your Ads Live?
A Monday Morning Memo from At the close of last week’s memo about short-term and long-term memory, * I asked whether you would prefer your ad campaign to ride the tortoise or the hare. Before you make that choice, let’s take a closer look at the facts. 1. Hares are capable of astounding bursts &hellip Continue reading
How Are You Keeping Score?
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads Six- and seven-foot glistening bodies crowd around their coach as he shows them a clipboard. He waves his arms excitedly and the protruding veins in his neck suggest that he is yelling instructions at them. When he’s finished yelling, the players run out onto the highly &hellip Continue reading
History’s Greatest Hoax
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads Bill is a merchant, married to the woman who became pregnant when they were both eighteen. He lives an obscure life and dies at age fifty-two, having never learned to read or write. Edward is a writer who calls himself, “The 17th Earl of Oxford.” He &hellip Continue reading
He Who Writes The Rules Is Likely To Win The Game.
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads (This story has been told and retold so many times that I am beginning to doubt it ever really happened. In any event, here’s how I heard it.) The year was 1992 and George Bush seemed to be riding an insurmountable wave of popularity following Operation &hellip Continue reading
Value of Heroes
A Monday Morning Memo of the Wizard to his Friends The saying, “The sun never sets on the British Empire” was true as recently as 1937 when tiny England did, in fact, still have possessions in each of the world’s 24 time zones. It’s widely known that the British explored, conquered and ruled much of &hellip Continue reading
Has Anyone Seen Ron?
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads I’m having a bad day. I’ve been searching for a friend of mine, but something seems to have happened to him and I fear the worst. Ron and I grew up together, then went our separate ways, but I still associate him with many of my &hellip Continue reading
Harold and Jeff
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads Harold moved across the street from us when Pennie and I were 22 years old. He was a gentle soul, about 10 years older than me, and he wore his hair in a style that was strangely out of date. I considered Harold to be the &hellip Continue reading