Monday Morning Memo
4 Kinds of Thought, 3 Kinds of People
Today we’re Swimming all the Way to the Drain at the Bottom of the Pool! According to Dr. Ricardo Gattass of the Institute of Biophysics, all human thought can be classified as Verbal, Abstract, Analytical or Symbolic. 1. In Verbal thought, we experience a thought as if listening to our own voice. Using auditory memory, &hellip Continue reading
3-Dimensional Realities
Those of you who read last week’s memo will recall that it ended with a Question: “If objective, 4th-dimensional reality is this meeting place that we call the space-time continuum, (composed of Height, Width, Depth and Time,) then what would a 3-dimensional reality be?” Answer: a reality outside of Time. Height, Width and Depth are &hellip Continue reading
Curiosity and a Cat Named Adrian
From One Curious Person to Another, This is the Monday Morning Memo. “Curiosity killed the cat,” is an expression often quoted by the terminally dull, but I’ve never been able to make any sense of the statement. To which cat does this old adage refer? I’m aware of no story, myth, fable or fairy tale &hellip Continue reading
The Wizard Talks About God
Subject: Just a couple of questions for you–if you have time for one of your readersDate: Mon, May 15, 2000, 6:37 PM Dear Mr. Williams: I am a 38-year old woman from Massachusetts. I read your first book and loved it. You mention God a lot throughout the book. May I ask you: What do &hellip Continue reading
An Energy of Words
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads You study pivotal people and events in history, searching for a common denominator. You hope to identify the recurrent elements of greatness; The keys to fantastic success. You search for the secret of miracles. After several hundred hours of reading, you reach an utterly inescapable conclusion: &hellip Continue reading
Wizard Academy Library Tower
I’m Anxious for You to Tour It The stone road leading to the wine cellar will begin at ground level and continue level into the sloping hillside, perfectly Pole-Star North – 300 feet – until you arrive at the door of the wine cellar, 12 feet underground. Ceilings on each floor are 12 feet high. &hellip Continue reading
American Indian Eloquence
Random Thoughts written on a Thanksgiving Day in the year 1999 America’s Thanksgiving holiday originated when the Pilgrims gave thanks to God for sending them an Indian friend named Squanto. This much you already knew. What you didn’t know is that long before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, this same Squanto had been captured &hellip Continue reading
Dreams and Contentment
A Monday Morning Memo for the Friends of The Wizard I feel sorry for people who have never learned how to celebrate the ordinary; who live their lives under the sad illusion that happiness is just beyond their fingertips. “As soon as I find my soul mate… get out of debt… find a better job… &hellip Continue reading
Chariots of Fire
A Monday Morning Memo from The Wizard of Ads I finally figured out how the movie Chariots of Fire received its name. The main character, Eric Liddell, is a student whose running makes him feel closer to God. Consequently, when he learns that his Olympic race will be on a Sunday, he chooses not to &hellip Continue reading
How ’bout Those Canadians, eh?
A National Example of the Difference between “Being” and “Doing” I wear a little Canadian flag on my lapel these days as a statement of my admiration for the people of Canada. Having made several trips there recently, I think I’ve finally figured out what it is that makes Canadians a little different from you &hellip Continue reading